We just finished out 51st MISSIONS TRIP TO DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA where we have not only been reaching the youth of America with the Gospel, but also, people from all over the world!

The group of young people and adults the Lord gave us were outstanding and the Lord used them mightily to win the lost to Christ. The adults and young people represented 13 churches from 7 different states. I thank God for these churches. I want to commend you young people and adults for being soldiers of the Cross, enduring 2.5 days of high wind and cold weather to win 375 people to the Lord! The Lord gave us 134 saved the first day; 173 saved the second; and 68 saved on the last day which is only 1/2 day of witnessing. I Corinthians 10:31, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” To God be the glory!

We all must be careful not to take any glory for ourselves for this victory. Without the power of God and the grace of God there is no salvation for anyone.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9

We were able to win these people to Christ because great power was upon us and great grace was upon us. Acts 4:33

We also want to give God the glory for 10 rookie young people who won their first soul ever.

For all who were involved in Daytona 51, our lives have been changed for the better and we have grown spiritually. Our goal is to pass this on to others and inspire young people and adults to be with us in 2019 for Daytona 52. In 51 years of this ministry, we now have had 106,069 saved. Because of our follow up program, we know of 22 men that were led to Christ on those beaches, during Spring Break, by our young people who are now preachers of the Gospel, faithfully proclaiming the Word of God!

We pray that you will join us next year on our MISSIONS TRIP 52 that will change your life forever and help you to be a consistent and bold witness for God’s glory.



Would you pray NOW for the needs of our 52nd AFC MISSIONS TRIP MARCH 26 – 29, 2019? PRAY:

• For the Lord to send the young people and adult team leaders that He will use to reach the lost youth of America.
• For the preparation of all of us that will be involved.
• Pray that our hearts will be right with the Lord and that we will have a burden for the lost.
• For the final day of preparation March 20, 2019 that takes place in the training room of the hotel.
• For the power of God to rest upon each young person and adult team leader.
• For the Holy Spirit to prepare all the hearts of those to whom we will be witnessing.
• For good, clear weather all 2.5 days of witnessing March 26 – 29, 2019.
• For the financial needs that AFC is incurring now and while we are at Daytona.


“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matt 9:38) — to assist us to reach the young people on their Spring Break Vacation!

Ambassadors For Christ National Ministries Inc. was founded in 1980 and is committed to evangelizing the world with the gospel of Christ. Dr. Ronald Reilly is founder and president of this evangelistic ministry, which is designed to stir the Christian home, and individual, and to reach the lost with the gospel through revival meetings in local churches. AFC ministries also conducts youth conferences, youth leadership courses, and couples clinics. Dr. Reilly also speaks in high schools and colleges, dealing with the problems, challenges, and issues of young people.

Ron and his wife, Nancy, began a unique missionary trip in 1968 to reach the youth of America on spring break at Daytona Beach, Florida. With 20 sold out teenagers and their chaperones, the young people spent one day witnessing to the high school and college young people on their spring break. Two hundred and thirty three people were won to Christ! This has grown into a nation wide ministry with young people from churches across America spending three days of witnessing of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, just go to our missions’ trip page and sign up now. We pray that by visiting our site you will be blessed and find spiritual help.


“Just returned to Maine from vacation in Daytona beach. How very inspired and uplifted we were when a young teen came up to us to witness. We are Christians and how he handled that was amazing too. We then watched as two other young men were witnessing to others along the beach. Then two of the boys came up to us again and gave us your name and we are going to pass that along to the newly hired youth pastor at our church (cornerstone Church in Eastport Maine). They were such a blessing to see the youth spreading the word, something that even at our age and years in Christ is often hard to do especially on a beach crowded with strangers. This group should be something that you are all very proud of (which I’m sure you are). God’s blessing to this great ministry.”

Dave & Vicki Morang

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“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” – II Corinthians 5:20.